Karel Jacobus Philippus Reusen


BeroepDirecteur B.V.
WoonplaatsDen Haag
Geboren5 april 1880 in Leiden.
Overleden28 december 1954 in 's Gravenhage.

Reden arrestatiebetaling uitgave 'Vrij Nederland'


Datum in Oranjehotel25 juni 1941
Oranjehotel verlaten4 oktober 1941
VonnisLevenslang en 6 maanden
VervolgKleef, Lüttringhausen


Ingezonden verhalen over Karel Jacobus Philippus Reusen

Ingestuurd door Nationaal Monument Oranjehotel op 24 februari 2022

Ingestuurd door de heer Auwerda, kleinzoon van de heer heer Reusen.

Karel Jacobus Philippus Reusen 1880-1954.
Slachtoffer van de oorlog is 74 jaar geworden.
Geboren op 5 april 1880 te Leiden.
Overleden op 28 december 1954 te Den Haag.

Karel J. Ph. ReusenMy great-grandfather Karel J.Ph. Reusen financed a resistance magazine Vrij Nederland and was betrayed with his group by the infamous NSB-man Anton van der Waals, who infiltrated resistance groups and then betrayed them. On June 25, 1941 the members of Karel Reusen's resistance group were arrested. My mother Jos(ke) Auwerda-Groeneveld was at that time as a little girl at home with her grandparents Karel and Bertha Reusen-Hubèrt and she was then called against the Germans as an excuse to be brought home by (her aunt) Carla Reusen and thus to leave the house in the Riouwstraat. The Germans could not object this request. Then Carla and Joske first walked past the houses of some acquaintances to warn them that the Germans were in the Riouwstraat in The Hague (The Netherlands) and they should not come and visit the Reusen’s, nor should they call. Karel Reusen had quickly put a notenin his mouth when the Germans entered his house and asked Joske to fetch him a glass of water. In this way he could swallow the notewith confidential and important informationabout his resistance group. Three members of the resistance group, Mr. Stoppelenburg, Mr. Bolk and Mr. Cats were executed in the Waalsdorpervlakte on February 23, 1942. In my first year of study in The Netherlands from 1979-1980 my student flat (looking out from my work desk) in the Alexanderpolder near Rotterdam looked unto the side wall of a café "De Bolk", opposite the "Bolkplein" named after Karel Reusen's fellow resistance fighter Marinus Bolk.

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